Three and Four Months Old

Thoren and Daddy

Seventh Week

Sixth Week

Fifth Week

Fourth Week at Grandmas

Third Week

First Two Weeks

Birthday at the Hospital

Before the Baby


Other Pictures

Contact the Flowers Family

Home Page

Thoren Augustus Flowers!


Born Monday, July 14th, 2003
At 7:53pm
Weighed 6lbs,1oz
Measured 19 1/2 inches

Our Bundle of Joy!

Click on the menu to the left to browse through pictures of our beautiful baby, and to view pictures of his proud parents on the day he was born. NOTE: Be sure to use the scroll bars on the pages to see all of the pictures and to read the captions beside the pictures.

I'd like to thank my parents, Larry and Joyce Bowman, and my sister Shawna Lowman for taking the majority of the pictures of us at the hospital and the pictures on the "Fourth Week at Grandmas" pages. They did a great job capturing our treasured moments!

We will be adding new pictures of Thoren all the time, so check back often! You will have to click on the button to the right for new pictures because we have ran out of room on this website, so all new pictures will be on