Three and Four Months Old

Thoren and Daddy

Seventh Week

Sixth Week

Fifth Week

Fourth Week at Grandmas

Third Week

First Two Weeks

Birthday at the Hospital

Before the Baby


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This is the hospital in Houston where Thoren was born. He was delivered by doctor Stacy Norton.
Thoren is named after the Nordic God "Thor" who is the God of Thunder. In Nordic Mythology Thor carries with him a Hammer, known as "Thor's Hammer", by which he thrashes in the sky to create thunder. It is of some note that Thoren was born in the middle of Hurricane Claudette which was striking Galveston as he was born. Luckily, since we live in Houston, we did not suffer many of the major effects of the hurricane, however; we did experience thunderstorms in our area, which is divinely coincidental, considering his namesake. This shows the effect Hurricane Claudette was having on Houston while Thoren was being born.
The Chapel at Methodist Willowbrook Hospital